Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hi guys!

How are you all doing? We're doing great!  Today we went to Castle Rock, Colorado.  It was awesome!  There's a mountain with this huge boulder at the top that looked like that top of a castle.  Really beautiful.  We were heading home and saw a storm ahead.  Well....that storm is over us now and it's snowing like crazy!!  Yes, that would be snow and it's a lot too.  This weather is so crazy here.  Yesterday we were running around in shorts and today we're in hoodies, gloves and boots!!!!  WOW, WOW, WOW!  All we can say is Wow!

Holy cow it's almost May!

5 minutes later

Beginning of the snow

We hope you all have a wonderful Easter.

We love each of you and think about you everyday.

Love & hugs,
David and Kelly

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Broadmoor, Seven Falls and Olympic Training Center field trips!

Hi everyone!

How are you all doing?  We hope great!  I have to say I was jealous to see you all tubing last weekend.  We miss the consistent warm weather.  :)  Today, however, it was 80!  Woooo Hoooo!  We wanted to be outside to enjoy the sunshine so we decided to go and walk the trails behind our apartment.  It was absolutely gorgeous!  As we were up at the top overlooking the city, David said:  "All I can say is WOW, God is good."  It's just so beautiful here!!!!!  We are blessed everyday to wake up and see the beauty and Pikes Peak.

After our walk, we headed to The Broadmoor.  It was stunning.  We just acted like we were guests.  :)  That is definitely a place for the over paid employees!  It was gorgeous and we walked the grounds and took lots of pictures.

We then headed to the Olympic Training Center, which we found out is like 10 minutes from our apartment.  It was so cool.  We went on a tour and we found out our tour guide is training for the Olympics in 2014.  She's a weight lifter but looked to be about 90 lbs.  It was a neat place.  A lot of the athletes live there for up to 6 years training.  They have dorm rooms and a mess hall.  She said some athletes have to eat up to 10,000 calories a day!!!!

It was an awesome day.  Tomorrow we will head to church and then find more walking trails.

We're adjusting to the altitude and we can now get around without the GPS.  It seems to be a low key city with friendly people.  There doesn't seem to be any road rage here either.  :)

I made it through my first week of work.  It was a good week.  Busy, busy, busy!  My new boss is elated I'm there to give her some breathing room.  She actually left early two days last week to take her grandson to the park.  :)  She's grateful and I'm grateful to be there to help.  There's 36 people that I work with and everyone is nice and low key.  No drama, which is GREAT!

Well guys, we love you a lot and think about you all the time.  :)  I miss my family <3

Love you all -

The Newly Weds
David and Kelly